Förderverein für individuelles Werkschaffen
association to support and protect individual freedom to produce artistic, intellectual and scientific work

The © shows an inner core feeding an outer circle or an inverted ©. It was created in May 2000 as a symbol for creative, intellectual and scientific self development.

There has been a big lack of support for this sort of work in the past and there still is today. Fortunately, with Creative Commons an international system has been established which gives some defence against the monopoly of third parties. But many problems remain such as how to finance the realisation of one’s projects.

To protect and augment individual freedom of artistic, intellectual and scientific self development, our association © Förderverein für individuelles Werkschaffen was founded in Hamburg on 8th November 2005. We introduced the © to highlight such projects providing in-depth documentation on each creator’s work and linking to more information on these people and on ways to support them. Unfortunately this city has not been very receptive to visionary progress this last decade. So crowd funding has developed better elsewhere with Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or Flattr. But we’re still moving forward supporting individual projects, since self development isn’t a competition, it’s a mission…

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